Wild Country Mini Rock Set
Especially useful for the skinniest of thin cracks and seams these are essential kit for those pushing their grade and moving up to HVS/E1 or 5.8/5.9+ who will start to find themselves in more difficult territory.
Those who do use them will find a whole world of useful placements open up to them and they'll always prove their worth when the 'thank god' placement is made. Recently anodised to make identity easier they have also had subtle but important manufacturing improvements making them less prone to damage and improving their placement. To do this each nut is milled out at the top to allow the wires to seat properly inside the nut protecting these small strands from damage and from blocking fit in tiny slots
However, due to their small size it is not practical to add a curve and they remain the only flat sided nut in the Wild Country range meaning it is important to seat them carefully. It must also be noted that they are much smaller than Rocks and therefore have a much lower breaking strain.
Tapered sides, Four sizes, Colour coded, Set available. 7075 alloy, 3 Sigma rated, CE EN12270.
Size Max Width Min.Width Weight Vertical Load Horizontal Load
0 9.6mm 4.4mm 6g 2kN 2kN
0.25 10.6mm 4.9mm 6g 2kN 2kN
0.5 11.6mm 5.6mm 10g 4kN 2kN
0.75 12.1mm 6.9mm 10g 4kN 2kN