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Guidebook Olympus Topoguide Publishing

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Guidebook Olympus Topoguide Publishing

60 routes
550 km of treks

The guidebook OLYMPUS – 60 routes is the most detailed, the most modern and most uptodate guidebook to Olympus. This big book – 264 pages, 60 routes, 65 maps and 150 photographs – covers all aspects of the mythical moutain. Every presentation is done through an analytical desprition ad a detailed map. The metrics, the risk assessments and difficulties for the climber to choose the route that corresponds to his capabilities.

The guide covers 60 different climbing routes on Olympus. Practically, all the known and more or less marked paths of the great mountain have been includedall the climbs to the summits and refuges, all the short popular hikes and all the long traverses. Each route is presented through a detailed description and a detailed map. Metrics and assessment of risks and difficulties allow the climber to choose the route that corresponds to his abilities.

The book was written by Trantafilos Adamakopoulos and Katerina Zagaretou, a civil engineer and a forester-moutnain guide. In addition to their excellent knowledge of Olympus, the two authors activate the methodology their science gives them to evaluatively synthesize the individual elements of the mountain into a highly functional tool of navigation and initiation.

Beyond of the broadest coverage of topics, OLYMPUS – 60 Routes is the first field guide to be upgraded. On mountain routes, the markings, markings, passability change – improve or complicate. The authors have provided the book with the ability to link to this website, the

So every route contains a QR code, that links to the special page of . The pages of the book routes on are updated continuously, based on the authors' latest research and authoritative information. In addition, the pages are enriched with new material, offering everyone information that does not fit in the pages of the book. With this innovative solution, and the dedication of the people who made it, this hybrid book is never outdone and accompanies the mountaineer in his wanderings fresh and ever richer.

As the authors point out, the guide OLYMPUS – 60 routes seeks to resurrect in the mountain visitor an Olympus worthy of the size of a world symbol. Nikos Nezis, who signs the introductory greeting, evaluates the work as a point of reference in the literature of Olympus.

Authors Trantafilos Adamakopoulos & Katerina Zagaretou
Publishing date 2021
Publisher SALTO
ISBN 978-960-278-193-7
Size 14 x 21 εκ.
Page no. 264
Introduction and 60 routes
65 maps and 150 photographs.


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